Leading Through Disruption

Luxury Unlocked - How digital transformation is reshaping the luxury experience



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How COVID-19 has accelerated the paradigm shift


Most of the luxury brands have been discussing digital transformation for years as a technological leap to upgrade the whole experience of their creations, not just the product itself. The whole luxury system hasn’t done an appropriate upgrade yet, mainly because brands are tied to a cultural legacy rather than a lack of technology. COVID-19 has definitely accelerated such a paradigm shift, making something start to happen.

In the first fireside chat of the year, “Luxury Unlocked - How digital transformation is reshaping the luxury experience” in our series, Leading Through Disruption Susanna Nicoletti, Fashion Business Masters Unit Leader Istituto Marangoni Firenze, and Mauro Aprile Zanetti, Cloud4Wi’s Chief Evangelist, discussed how digital transformation is reshaping luxury experience and creations.

Watch the recording to learn:

  • How brands need to work on a holistic experience, leveraging digital tools to keep customer data at the very center of the omnichannel game.
  • How some “Made-in-Italy” brands are performing as trailblazers, even with the COVID-19 situation.





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