Free traveler WiFi: Gruppo FS Italiane Success Story

Find out how Gruppo FS Italiane keeps travelers happy by offering free WiFi

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Get inspired by Gruppo FS Italiane

The Italian State Railways Group, Gruppo FS Italiane, is in charge for the movement of 8,000 trains daily, with approximately 600 million passengers and 50 million tons of cargo each year. Gruppo FS Italiane chose to use Cloud4Wi for the project “Wi-Life Station”. The main goal is to offer visitors a better digital experience inside their stations, while collecting valuable information about them and their behavior.

In this success story, you will learn how Cloud4Wi helps Gruppo FS Italiane:

  • Offer free WiFi with fast, easy-to-use login in 116 stations
  • Collect 1.3M opted-in emails and Facebook profiles of station visitors
  • Provide useful informative services offered also by third-parties
  • Create an open platform, available to all stakeholders – such as local police, governments and cultural organizations – that want to interact with station visitors.

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